University of Zagreb

Faculty of Kinesiology

Organizational scientific and educational units of the Faculty of Kinesiology

Departments are basic organizational units at our Faculty which determine and perform scientific, teaching and professional activities. The activities of each individual department include several related scientific and teaching disciplines at the Faculty of Kinesiology. The internal organization of our Faculty consists out of three departments, each of which consists out of smaller organizational units, i.e. chairs.

Department of Kinesiological Anthropology and Methodology
Chair of Medicine of Sports and Exercise
Chair of Kinesiological Psychology, Sociology and Methodology
Department of Kinesiology of Sports
Chair of Monostructural Sports Branches
Chair of Complex Sports Branches (sport games)
Chair of Polystructural Sports Branches (combat sports)
Chair of Conventional Sports Branches
Chair of Basic Kinesiological Transformations
Chair of Water Sports
Chair of Athletics
Department of General and Applied Kinesiology
Chair of General and Applied Kinesiology
Chair of Kinesiological Didactics and of Theory of Training
Chair of Kinesiological Recreation and of Kinesitherapy

Department of Kinesiology of Sports

Assist. Prof. Marijo Baković, Ph.D.Head of Department of Kinesiology of Sports


The primary focus of scientific and teaching activities of the Department of Kinesiology of Sports are kinesiological characteristics of sports activities, basic and specific characteristics of athletes of various age and level of quality, as well as transformational processes, i.e., analysis of the eects obtained by applying appropriate training procedures specific to each branch of sports (monostructural, polystructural, conventional and complex sports activities). 
The Department also examines the development of fundamental (Basic Kinesiological Transformations) and specific motor abilities, motor skills and programme contents of individual sports branches represented in Physical Education classes at all educational levels (from preschool to higher education). The following Chairs operate as part of the Department of Kinesiology of Sports: Chair of Monostructural Disciplines, Chair of Complex Disciplines (Sports Games), Chair of Polystructural Disciplines (Combat Sports), Chair of Conventional Disciplines, Chair of Basic Kinesiological Transformations and Chair of Water Sports.


Department of Kinesiological Anthropology and Methodology

Assoc. Prof. Sunčica Bartoluci, PhD, Head of Department of Kinesiological Anthropology and Methodology


The scientific and educational activities of the Department of Kinesiological Anthropology and Methodology are primarily focused on fundamental and applied biomedical and anthropological sciences (Anatomy, Physiology, Biological Kinanthropology, Sports Medicine and Hygiene) and social sciences (Psychology, Sociology), as well as on kinesiological methodology (Quantitative Methods). The Department of Kinesiological Anthropology and Methodology is represented by the Chair of Sports Medicine and Exercise and by the Chair of Kinesiological Psychology, Sociology and Methodology.


Department of General and Applied Kinesiology

Assoc. Prof. Dario Škegro, PhDHead of Department of General and Applied Kinesiology


The primary focus of the scientific and educational work of the Department of General and Applied Kinesiology is directed towards the development of kinesiological methodology in individual sports, namely in the anthropological and methodological sense, as well as on the development of the theory of training and physical conditioning of athletes, kinesiological recreation and kinesitherapy. The Department includes the Chair of General and Applied Kinesiology, the Chair of Kinesiological Methodology and Theory of Training and the Chair of Kinesiological Recreation and Kinesitherapy.