University of Zagreb

Faculty of Kinesiology

About employee

izv. prof. dr. sc. Marija Rakovac

Title: Associate professor

Function: Head of Chair of Medicine of Sports and Exercise


Please email me for office hours

Public phone number:
Department :
Department of Kinesiological Anthropology and Methodology
Graduation year:
PhD graduation year:


integrated undergraduate and graduate





  • 2015: University Specialist in Occupational and Sports Medicine, Postgraduate Specialist Study “Occupational and Sports Medicine”, University of Zagreb School of Medicine, Croatia
  • 2011: PhD in Medical Sciences, University of Zagreb School of Medicine, Croatia
    PhD thesis: Body core temperature during graded exercise testing: estimation of the anaerobic threshold
  • 1995-2001: Doctor of Medicine, University of Zagreb School of Medicine, Croatia

Published papers recorded in the Croatian Scientific Bibliography Database

Note: this list of papers is located in an maintained by the Ruđer Bošković Institute which is in charge of the Croatian Scientific Bibliography Database (CROSBI). This link will take you to the appropriate CROSBI page of this person, containing a list of papers they have themselves entered in the database.
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Professional memberships

  • Secretary of the Croatian Sports Medicine Society of the Croatian Medical Association (2008-present)
  • Editorial Board member and Section Editor (Sports Medicine and Physiology of Sport) of the journal Kinesiology  
  • Member of the Committee of Occupational and Sports Medicine of the Croatian Academy of Medical Sciences (2016-present)
  • Member of the Croatian Medical Chamber
  • Member of the European College of Sport Science

List of select projects

  • 2021-23: WP leader in the Erasmus+ project: 622623-EPP-1-2020-1-DE-SPO-SCP  „Interventions in the Elderly’s Mobility Modes for Promotion of their Physical Activity and Fitness (Fit-Old)“, coordinated by the Technical University of Berlin.
  • 2020-22: collaborator in the Erasmus+ project "WE CARE - With Establishment of national Care and development centers we support elite Athletes in balancing their sports and education/employment Results", coordinated by the Faculty of Kinesiology, Zagreb, led by Asst.Prof. Cvita Gregov.
  • 2020-22: collaborator in the Erasmus+ project "SCforH - Creating Mechanisms for Continuous Implementation of the Sports Club for Health Guidelines in the European Union", coordinated by the Faculty of Kinesiology, Zagreb, led by Asst.Prof. Danijel Jurakić.
  • 2017: collaborator in the project “Health and normal weight for citizens in Central, Eastern and South Eastern European Region / Initiation of an innovative Health- R&D network (EUBOHEALTH)“, funded by the German Federal Ministry of Education and Research, led by Prof. Jürgen Steinacker, Ulm University, Division Sport- and Rehabilitation Medicine, Ulm, Germany 
  • 2015: collaborator in the project BM058 „Uloga apoptotičkog sustava Fas/FasL u cijeljenju kontroliranih fraktura tibije u miša“, funded by the University of Zagreb, led by Prof. Vedran Katavić, School of Medicine, University of Zagreb
  • 2015-2017: collaborator in the Erasmus+ project “European Collaborative Partnership on Sport and Health Enhancing Physical Activity – EPHEPA“, coordinated by Centre on Population Approaches for Non-Communicable Disease Prevention, Nuffield Department of Population Health, Medical Sciences Division, University of Oxford (UO), UK   
  • 2015-2017:  collaborator (Deputy Leader in WP2) in the Erasmus+ project “Promoting National Implementation for Sports Club for Health (SCforH) Programmes in EU Member States”, coordinated by the Finnish Olympic Committee
  • 2014-: collaborator in the project PETICA-igrom do zdravlja ''Program prevencije pretilosti u djece školske dobi'' (Prevention of obesity in school-aged children), EPODE International Network, led by the Croatian Medical Association       
  • 2014:  collaborator in the project ”Studija poveznica razine tjelesne aktivnosti kod srednjoškolaca (SPORTS)“ (Physical Activity Correlates in 15-yr-old students), funded by the University of Zagreb, led by Prof. Marjeta Mišigoj-Duraković, Faculty of Kinesiology, University of Zagreb
  • 2013: collaborator in the project “Biological and biomechanical characteristics of sprint running“, Università di Ferrara, Institute for Anthropological Research, Zagreb, and Faculty of Kinesiology, University of Zagreb
  • 2009–2011: collaborator in the project ”The Sport Club For Health (SCforH)”  led by HEPA Europe (European network for the promotion of health-enhancing physical activity)
  • 2007:  collaborator in the project " Physical activity epidemiology in the Republic of Croatia", funded by the Croatian Ministry of Ministry of Science, Education and Sports (034-0000000-3359), led by Prof. Stjepan Heimer, Faculty of Kinesiology, University of Zagreb
  • 2007: research novice in the project "Physiological determinants of endurance performance " funded by the Croatian Ministry of Ministry of Science, Education and Sports (034-0342607-2279), led by Prof. Davor Šentija, Faculty of Kinesiology, University of Zagreb
  • 2005: collaborator in the project “Democratic Development Through Sport In South East Europe”, led by the International Sport and Culture Association (ISCA)
  • 2003–2007: research novice in the project “Osteoporosis – the influence of targeted physical activity“, funded by the Croatian Ministry of Ministry of Science, Education and Sports (0034203), led by Prof. Stjepan Heimer, Faculty of Kinesiology, University of Zagreb


Past employments

  • University of Zagreb, Faculty of Kinesiology, Croatia (2003-present)
  • University Hospital “Dubrava”, Zagreb, Croatia (2001-2003) - Doctor of Medicine – Internship