University of Zagreb

Faculty of Kinesiology

Children in Sports
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Children in Sports
Code: 123649
ECTS: 2.0
Lecturers in charge: prof. dr. sc. Renata Barić
Lecturers: dr. sc. Rebeka Prosoli - Seminar

izv. prof. dr. sc. Zrinka Greblo Jurakić - Lectures
prof. dr. sc. Gordana Keresteš - Lectures

mr. sc. Marija Gabelica Šupljika - Exercises of applied kinesiology
Vesna Hude , prof. - Exercises of applied kinesiology
dr. sc. Rebeka Prosoli - Exercises of applied kinesiology
Take exam: Studomat

1. komponenta

Lecture typeTotal
Lectures 18
Exercises of applied kinesiology 10
Seminar 2
* Load is given in academic hour (1 academic hour = 45 minutes)
2.1.Course objectives
To acquire the particularities of childrens cognitive, social, emotional and ethical development as the fundamental prerequisites for work with children in sport.
To enable understanding of the positive and negative effects of sport involvement on psychological development of children as well as of factors having influence on it.
To familiarize the students with the efficient strategies of work with children and the young in the contexts of physical education teaching, as well as recreational and competitive sports.
The entire course is oriented to the recognition, highlighting and acceptance of the role of the coach, its importance in lives of young athletes, and his/her personal responsibility for well-being of children and the young in sport.
2.2.Course enrolment requirements and entry competences required for the course
No enrolment requirements.
2.3.Learning outcomes at the level of the programme to which the course contributes
-Adoption and understanding of specific characteristics of psychological development of children and the young of diverse age categories and application of the adopted knowledge in the process of designing and implementation of training/instruction programmes and competition goals;
-Understanding, differentiation and ability to critically consider various developmental-psychological aspects of sports at different quality levels;
-Information on children rights as well as on the ways of their infringements in sport and on the consequences of the latter.
2.4.Learning outcomes expected at the level of the course (4 to 10 learning outcomes)
The students will:
-Gain basic knowledge about socio-psychological aspects of children sport; they will understand and adopt cognitive, social, emotional and ethical characteristics of developmental changes with the aim of respecting them in the process of creating and implementing training process;
-Understand educational role of sport, its relevance and contribution to the optimal socio-psychological development of children;
-Be able to apply the adopted cognitions to work with children as regards the application of adequate teaching, motivation and communication methods and techniques;
-Understand sources of psychological pressure in children and young athletes and learn how to reduce or eliminate their impact on children and their performance;
-Adopt efficient strategies for quality relationships establishment with young athletes and other active participants in youth sports as well (e.g. parents, school teachers, etc.);
-Learn to recognize signs of nutritional disorder, hypercompetitive behaviour and abuse in children;
-Learn to recognize signs of non-adaptive psychological reactions (stage fright, reactive aggressive behaviour, negative perfectionism) and get acquainted with basic principles of psychological preparation of children and young athletes.
2.5.Course content broken down in detail by weekly class schedule (syllabus)
Socio-psychological characteristic of children in sport - why children are not small adults
1. Introductory lecture: the role of sport in childrens lives (2L)
2. Developmental changes in children (cognitive, moral/ethical, socio-emotional development) (4L)
3. Developmental characteristics of children and the young involved in sport (exercise) (2E)
4. Educational role of sport. Sport as a means of satisfying children and young athletes needs, basic drives of sports activity in children and the young. (2L)
5. Drop-outs as a socio-psychological phenomenon. Peer influence on the engagement in sport and exercise. Consultations on topics for term papers and/or essays. (2L)
6. Parents in sports. (2E)
7. Sports triangle (child-coach-parent) (exercise) (2E)
Psychological aspects of childrens involvement in sports
8. Perfection as a goal - anxiety and perfectionism in young athletes. (2L)
9. Sport as a stressor - competitiveness, hypercompetitiveness, aggression (2L)
10. Fear and/or anger - how can a coach be helpful? Sport as a means of self-respect reinforcement (exercise) (2V)
Application in training process
11. Psycho-physiological responses to the process of training. Injuries and nutrition disorders in children athletes - psychological point-of-view. Abuse in sport. Children rights in sports. (2L)
12. Successful learning and exercising - psychological approach: relationship between the coach and young athlete. Efficient communication in sport. Motivational climate in sports. (2L)
13. Psychological preparation of children athletes. How to feed back. (exercise) (2E)
14. Students papers presentation and common evaluation. Evaluation of the process of instruction and of teachers - discussion. (2S)
Learning outcomes:
  1. , 1.Lee, M. (2006). Coaching children in sport. Routledge. Taylor & Francis. (odabrana poglavlja), , , .
  2. , 2.Vasta, R., Haith, M. M., Miller, S. A. (1998). Dječja psihologija. Jastrebarsko: Naklada Slap, , , .
  3. , 3.sažeci s predavanja (skripta), , , .
  4. , 1.Barić, R. (2004). Klima v športu (Magistarski rad). Univerza v Ljubljani, Filozofska fakulteta., , , .
  5. , 2.Barić, R., Horga, S. (2006). Psihosocijalni i odgojni aspekti interakcije trenera i djeteta sportaša. u: Grgurić, J., Batinica, M. (ur.) Sport i zdravlje djece i mladih - Zbornik radova, Zagreb: Quo vadis tisak, 78-83., , , .
  6. , 3.Greblo, Z. (2011). Perfekcionizam kod darovitih sportaša: uloga osobinskih i okolinskih činitelja (Doktorska disertacija). Sveučilište u Zagrebu, Filozofski fakultet., , , .
  7. , 4.Horga, S. (2009). Psihologija sporta. Zagreb, Kineziološki fakultet., , , .
  8. , 5.znanstveni i stručni članci po izboru, , , .
Prerequisit for:
Enrollment :
Attended : Elements of Psychology
Attended : Psychology of Sport and Physical Exercise
5. semester
IK - Izborni predmeti - 5. semestar (24) - Regular studij - Kinesiology
Consultations schedule: