2.1.Course objectives The objective is to acquaint students with the importance of interrelations of psychosocial factors and physical health, i.e., disease.
Further objective is to acquire knowledge from the field of psychology that enhance the effectiveness of preventive, diagnostic, therapeutic, and rehabilitation activities in work with persons with physical disorders and limitations.
2.2.Course enrolment requirements and entry competences required for the course No enrolment requirements.
2.3.Learning outcomes at the level of the programme to which the course contributes
2.4.Learning outcomes expected at the level of the course (4 to 10 learning outcomes)
Students will be able to:
-apply previously acquired knowledge from the field of psychology in understanding of disease prevention and disease development;
-recognize psychosocial risk factors for development of diseases;
-apply psychological techniques in stress prevention and pain relief;
-use psychosocial approach in work with persons with physical disorders or impairments.
2.5.Course content broken down in detail by weekly class schedule (syllabus)
Lectures (2 lecture hours for each teaching topic, except for the topic no. 5, which is taught during 3 lecture hours)
1.The definition of health psychology. The area of theoretical research and application of findings of health psychology in sport.
2.Health behaviours - risky and protective health habits, theoretical models of health behaviours, psychological methods for changing risky health behaviours.
3.Stress and physical health - sources of stress, reactions to stress, theories of stress, studies on the relationship between stress and health, i.e. diseases, stress and work burnout.
4.Stress and physical health - development of psychosomatic diseases and symptoms, psychological methods and techniques for prevention and reduction of stress.
5.Psychosocial factors and pain - complexity of the sensation of pain, types of pain, theories of occurrence of the pain sensation, relationship between mental states and processes and pain, psychological methods and techniques for pain relief. (3L)
6.Physical impairments, diseases, and mental states - psychological adaptation to loss of a body part or a bodily function, psycological adaptation to sports injuries.
7.Psychological manifestations of incurable diseases - coping with illness and possibility of death, communication with persons with severe diseases.
Seminars (2 seminar hours for each teaching topic, except for the topic no. 3, which is taught during 3 hours)
1.Assessment of health behaviours, psychological methods for promotion of behaviour change, motivational interview.
2.Stress assessment and ways of coping with stress.
3.Psychological techniques for prevention and reduction of stress and pain - techniques of relaxation, visualization, cognitive restructuring, biofeedback (3S)
4.Stress and work.
5.Research on coping with physical diseases and disabilities.
6.Sources of negative attitudes and prejudice against persons with disabilities.
7.Taboo topics: sexuality and death.
- , Havelka, M. (ur.) (2002). Zdravstvena psihologija. Jasrebarsko: Naklada slap., , , .
- , Hudek Knežević, J., Kardum, I. (2006). Stres i tjelesno zdravlje. Jastrebarsko: Naklada Slap., , , .
- , Cox, R.H. (2005). Psihologija sporta. Jastrebarsko: Naklada Slap., , , .