University of Zagreb

Faculty of Kinesiology

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Code: 123973
ECTS: 2.0
Lecturers in charge: prof. dr. sc. Petar Barbaros
Lecturers: prof. dr. sc. Petar Barbaros - Seminar
Zlatan Bilić , nasl. pred. - Seminar

prof. dr. sc. Petar Barbaros - Exercises of applied kinesiology
Zlatan Bilić , nasl. pred. - Exercises of applied kinesiology
Take exam: Studomat

1. komponenta

Lecture typeTotal
Lectures 6
Exercises of applied kinesiology 12
Seminar 12
* Load is given in academic hour (1 academic hour = 45 minutes)
2.1.course objectives To enhance students theoretical knowledge and practical skills in tennis. Application of basic and advanced tennis techniques with emphasis on utilization of different types of spins and tennis stances during shots performance during game play.

2.2.Course enrolment requirements and entry competences required for the course No enrolment requirements.

2.3.Learning outcomes at the level of the programme to which the course contributes Acquisition of advanced knowledge from the field of modern sports diagnostics of tennis players on the court. Development of new technologies for production tennis equipment and its influence on evolution of tennis. The influence of particular tennis movement structures application in the process of teaching and training on the changes in psychosomatic status of children, the young and adults. Biomechanical analysis of advanced techniques and practical instructions of those techniques. Introduction with the variations of particular basic and specific tennis technique performances with special attention focused on the application of different types of spinning and tennis positions during the game play (forehand spin, forehand top spin, forehand side spin, backhand spin, backhand top spin, backend side spin, slice service, top spin service, twist service, returns, lob, half-volley, drop shot, drop shot volley, stop-volley). Acquisition of practical skills about optimal methodological procedures for instructing advanced tennis techniques. Strategic and tactical application of advanced tennis elements with regard to playing surface.

2.4.Learning outcomes expected at the level of the course (4 to 10 learning outcomes)
Students will acquire:
- advanced theoretical information from the field of sports diagnostics and development of new technologies in tennis
- advanced and specific motor skills in tennis
- practical skills about adequate methodical procedures for instructing advanced tennis techniques through the game play
- advanced strategic and tactical knowledge in tennis (strategy and tactics of tennis preparation and match in regard to playing surface: clay, concrete and grass)

All aforementioned qualifies students for:
- basics of planning, programming and implementing advanced instruction procedures in tennis
- conducting modern diagnostic procedures on the tennis court
- transferring advanced strategic and tactical knowledge with regard to playing surface

2.5.Course content broken down in detail by weekly class schedule (syllabus)
Theoretical lectures (each topic is covered with 1 class)
1.Development of modern systems of racquet and tennis ball production and its influence on changes in the tennis game play
2.Kinesiological analysis of forehand and backhand top spin, slice and side spin shot from side, half-open and open stance during the game play
3.Kinesiological analysis of slice, top spin and twist service. Kinesiological analysis of forehand return and backhand return
4.Kinesiological analysis of forehand volley, backhand volley and smash during the game play
5.Anthropological analysis of tennis play on different playing surfaces
6.Technical-tactical application of shots in the game with regard to playing surfaces

Theoretical-practical lectures (each topic is covered with 2 classes)
1.Teaching methods and performance of forehand shot in the game (with the ball in play) from the side, half-open and open stance. Application of different spinning from aforementioned stances in the game (top spin, slice, side spin)
2.Teaching methods and performance of backhand shot in the game (with the ball in play) from the side and half-open stance. Application of different spinning from aforementioned stances in the game (top spin, slice, side spin)
3.Teaching methods and performance of service with different spinning (slice, top spin, twist)
4.Teaching methods and performance of forehand volley shot in the game
5.Teaching methods and performance of backhand volley shot in the game
6.Teaching methods and performance of smash shot in the game

Exercises (each topic is covered with 2 classes)
1.Teaching technique exercises, their sequence and progressiveness in instruction of forehand shot in the game (with the ball in play) from side and half-open stance with special attention drawn to application of different spinning
2.Teaching technique exercises, their sequence and progressiveness in instruction of backhand shot in the game (with the ball in play) from side and half-open stance with special attention drawn to application of different spinning
3.Teaching technique exercises, their sequence and progressiveness in instruction of service with different spinning (slice, top spin, twist)
4.Teaching technique exercises, their sequence and progressiveness in instruction of forehand volley shot in the game
5.Teaching technique exercises, their sequence and progressiveness in instruction of backhand volley shot in the game
6.Teaching technique exercises, their sequence and progressiveness in instruction of smash shot from the air and after a ground bounce in the game
Learning outcomes:
  1. , DTB (1992). TENIS-od početnika do majstora. Zagreb: Mladinska knjiga. (redigirao: B. Neljak)., , , .
  2. , Filipčić, A., Filipčić, T. (2003). Tenis: učenje. Dopolnjena izd. Ljubljana: Fakulteta za šport, Inštitut za šport., , , .
  3. , ITF (2002). Razvoj mladih tenisača. ITF Ltd, Bank Lane, Roehampton, London, England., , , .
  4. , Friščić, V. (2004). Tenis bez tajni. Zagreb: Biblioteka TENIS., , , .
8. semester
IK - Izborni predmeti - 8. semestar (24) - Regular studij - Kinesiology
Consultations schedule: