2.1.Course objectives The primary goal of the Anthropological analysis in rhythmic gymnastics course is the theoretical and theoretical-practical introduction of students with the functional, morphological, motor, psychosocial and health aspects of rhythmic gymnastics of all age and competition categories. Secondary goal is to qualify students for autonomous analysis, diagnostics and evaluation of the anthropological status of rhythmic gymnasts of all categories.
2.2.Course enrolment requirements and entry competences required for the course Completed Rhythmic gymnastics course.
2.3.Learning outcomes at the level of the programme to which the course contributes
As kinesiologists, coaches in rhythmic gymnastics will, by completing the course Anthropologic analysis in rhythmic gymnastics, acquire knowledge which will enable them to successfully present, recognize, differentiate and analyze anthropologic characteristics of rhythmic gymnasts of all age and competition categories. Also, by completing the course, students will be qualified for defining criteria, evaluation, and kinesiological transformation of rhythmic gymnasts anthropological status as a part of training and learning process.
2.4.Learning outcomes expected at the level of the course (4 to 10 learning outcomes)
Students will be able to:
- analyze, diagnose and evaluate morphological characteristics of rhythmic gymnasts of all age and competition categories;
- analyze, diagnose and evaluate functional abilities of rhythmic gymnasts of all age and competition categories;
- analyze, diagnose and evaluate motor abilities of rhythmic gymnasts of all age and competition categories;
- analyze, diagnose and evaluate motor skills of rhythmic gymnasts of all age and competition categories;
- recognize and evaluate psychosocial aspects of training and competition participation in rhythmic gymnastics;
- recognize health aspects and participation criteria in rhythmic gymnastics.
2.5.Course content broken down in detail by weekly class schedule (syllabus)
1.Anthropological analysis of rhythmic gymnastics (3L)
2.Morphological analysis of rhythmic gymnasts of different quality level and age categories (2L)
3.Functional abilities of rhythmic gymnasts of different quality level and age categories (2L)
4.Motor abilities of rhythmic gymnasts of different quality level and age categories (2L)
5.Cognitive abilities of rhythmic gymnasts of different age categories (2L)
6.Personality traits of rhythmic gymnasts of different age categories (2L)
7.Health aspects of rhythmic gymnastics (2L)
1.Analysis and diagnostics of morphological characteristics of rhythmic gymnasts of different quality level and age categories (4S)
2.Analysis and diagnostics of functional abilities of rhythmic gymnasts of different quality level and age categories (4S)
3.Analysis and diagnostics of motor abilities of rhythmic gymnasts of different quality level and age categories (4S)
4.Analysis of cognitive abilities and personality traits of rhythmic gymnasts of different age categories (3S)
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