2.1.Course objectives
To attain necessary theoretical knowledge on and practical skills of rhythmic gymnastics movement patterns and teaching methods, as well as their application to educational process (PE), physical recreation, kinesytherapy and sports.
2.2.Course enrolment requirements and entry competences required for the course
No enrolment requirements.
2.3.Learning outcomes at the level of the programme to which the course contributes
The students will attain necessary theoretical knowledge and practical skills necessary for executing rhythmic gymnastics topics included in elementary schools, high schools and further education PE curricula. Besides understanding theoretical basics, the students will be able to demonstrate technical elements and corresponding teaching exercises and methods. They will be also able to organize school competitions and guide teams through school and collegiate competitions. Also, the students will attain basic guidelines for designing school show choreographies.
2.4.Learning outcomes expected at the level of the course (4 to 10 learning outcomes)
After finishing this course the students will be able to:
-Apply performance techniques and corresponding teaching exercises and methods for learning basic physical elements in rhythmic gymnastics;
-Apply ball performance techniques and corresponding teaching exercises and methods for learning basic elements;
-Apply rope performance techniques and corresponding teaching exercises and methods for learning basic elements;
-Apply hoops performance techniques and corresponding teaching exercises and methods for learning basic elements;;
-Clubs performance techniques and corresponding teaching exercises and methods for learning basic elements;
-Ribbon performance techniques and corresponding teaching exercises and methods for learning basic elements;
-Specific preparatory exercises in rhythmic gymnastics;
-Classical ballet basic exercises utilized as the warm-up exercises and physical conditioning exercises for rhythmic gymnastics;
-Analysis and application of music aimed at designing choreographies for individual and team performances in rhythmic gymnastics;
-Basic rules of rhythmic gymnastics.
2.5.Course content broken down in detail by weekly class schedule (syllabus)
Theoretical lectures
1.History and organization of rhythmic gymnastics. Applicative value of rhythmic gymnastics in education, sports, physical recreation and kinsytherapy. (3L)
2.Rhythmic gymnastics rules. Competitions (school and sports programme) - rules. (2 L)
3.Movement structures and apparatus movements (rope, hoop, ball, clubs, ribbon) structural and biomechanical analyses (2L
4.Teaching exercises and methods for learning physical elements of rhythmic gymnastics (walks, runs, dancing steps, swings, circles, body waves, figure-of-eight-type movements, leaps, skips, turns and pirouettes, balance stances and acrobatic elements)(2 L)
5.Teaching exercises and methods for learning all apparatuses elements (rope, hoop, ball, clubs, ribbon) and their application in PE (3 L)
6.Specific exercises (classical ballet) for introduction and preparation in PE (1 L)
7.Music analysis and performing rhythmic values. Choreography basics for individual and team performances. (2 L)
Th Theoretical-practical lectures and exercises (each topic is covered through 2TPL+2E)
1.Attitudes, walks, runs, galops, hops and preparatory exercises in rhythmic gymnastics, ballet exercises (basic positions of arms and legs)
2.Ballet exercises (demi plie, grand plie, releve), swings, arm waves and, dance steps in rhythmic gymnastics
3.Ballet exercises (battement tendu, simple battement jete), turns and pirouettes
4.Ballet exercises (grand battement, changement), side and front body wave
5.Ballet exercises (battement fondu, frappes), leaps (stride leap, stag jump/deer jump)
6.Ballet exercises (port de bras), leaps (scissor jump - front and back, turn scissor jump, cat leap, cat leap with 360degress turn)
7.Balances, kicking jumps and cosak jump
8.Acrobatic elements in rhythmic gymnastics, musical notes values realization
9.Basic ball technique
10.Basic rope technique
11.Basic hoop technique
12.Basic clubs technique
13.Basic ribbon technique
14.Designing individual routine in rhythmic gymnastics
15.Designing team routine in rhythmic gymnastics
- , 1.Wolf-Cvitak, J. (2004). Ritmička gimnastika. Kugler., , , .
- , 2.Furjan-Mandić, G. (2007). Ritmička gimnastika. Priručnik. Kineziološki fakultet Sveučilišta u Zagrebu., , , .
- , 1.FIG Pravilnik za ocjenjivanje ritmičko-sportske gimnastike. Federation International of Gymnastic.1., , , .
- , 2.Jastrjembskaia, N., Titov, Y. (1998). Rhythmic Gymnastics. Champaign: Human Kinetics., , , .
- , 3.Lomšek-Macura, U., Vajngerl, B. (1999). Prvi koraki v ritmični gimnastiki. Ljubljana: Fakulteta za šport, Inštitut za šport., , , .