University of Zagreb

Faculty of Kinesiology

Kinesiological Analysis of Track-and-Field
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Kinesiological Analysis of Track and Field
Code: 123717
ECTS: 7.0
Lecturers in charge: prof. dr. sc. Vesna Babić
Lecturers: prof. dr. sc. Ljubomir Antekolović - Lectures
doc. dr. sc. Marijo Baković - Lectures

prof. dr. sc. Ljubomir Antekolović - Exercises of applied kinesiology
prof. dr. sc. Vesna Babić - Exercises of applied kinesiology
doc. dr. sc. Marijo Baković - Exercises of applied kinesiology
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1. komponenta

Lecture typeTotal
Lectures 30
Exercises of applied kinesiology 30
* Load is given in academic hour (1 academic hour = 45 minutes)
2.1.Course objectives
To acquire theoretical knowledge and practical skills about movements structures and analysis of different events in track and field and the application of those knowledge and skills in physical education, physical recreation and sport.
2.2.Course enrolment requirements and entry competences required for the course
No enrolment requirements.
2.3.Learning outcomes at the level of the programme to which the course contributes
Students will acquire required theoretical knowledge and practical skills related to structural analysis of movements in different track and field events. They will acquire knowledge about hierarchical structure of track and field in the world, Europe and Croatia. They will learn to apply track and field rules in different track and field events and within the different types of competition. They will acquire knowledge about the specificity of applying competitions in different age categories. Acquired theoretical knowledge and practical skills will enable students to implement the results of biomechanical researches performed in different track and field events into the practical work.
2.4.Learning outcomes expected at the level of the course (4 to 10 learning outcomes)
Students will be able to:
- understand the role of and significance of track and field in physical education, sport, physical recreation and rehabilitation
- apply acquired knowledge in conduction and organization of school competition in track and field and competition in younger age categories
- analyse efficiency criteria of particular track and field event technique in relation to the competition result
- explain the structural phases of particular track and field events
2.5.Course content broken down in detail by weekly class schedule (syllabus)
Theoretical lectures and exercises
1.The history of rules and organization of track and field competitions. Hierarchical structure of the international track and field organization (IAAF). Appearance and the development of track and field and track and field competitions in Croatia and in the world. Distribution of track and field according to groups and events and the classification of the track and field events. (4L+4E)
2.Kinesiological (structural and biomechanical) analysis. Analysis of biomechanical parameters and their application in practical work of:
- high jump (2L+2E)
- long jump (2L+2E)
- pole vault (2L+2E)
- triple jump (2L+2E)
- shot put (2L+2E)
- discus throw (2L+2E)
- javelin throw (2L+2E)
- hammer throw (2L+2E)
- walking and sport walking (2L+2E)
- sprinting (2L+2E)
- middle- and long distance running (2L+2E)
- running hurdles (2L+2E)
- running relay (2L+2E)
Learning outcomes:
  1. , 1.Babić, V. (2010). Atletika hodanja i trčanja. Zagreb: Kineziološki fakultet Sveučilišta u Zagrebu., , , .
  2. , 2.Međunarodna pravila za atletska natjecanja. Zagreb: Hrvatski atletski savez (IAAF Competition rules 2010 -2013:
    pdf, , , .
  3. , 3.Milanović, D., Hofman, E., Puhanić, V., Šnajder, V. (1986). Atletika - znanstvene osnove. Zagreb: Fakultet za fizičku kulturu Sveučilišta u Zagrebu., , , .
  4. , 1.Antekolović, Lj., Baković, M. (2008). Skok u dalj. Zagreb: Miš., , , .
  5. , 2.Bosch, F., Klomp, R. (2005). Running, Biomechanics and Exercise Physiology Applied in Practise. Elsevier.2., , , .
  6. , 3.Cavanagh, P. R. (1990). Biomechanics of distance running. Champaign, Ilinois: Human Kinetics Books., , , .
  7. , 4.Čoh, M. (2008). Biomechanical diagnostic methods in athletic training. Ljubljana: Faculty of sport, Institute of Sport, Institute of kinesiology., , , .
  8. , 5.Šnajder, V. (1997). Na mjesta pozor Zagreb: Fakultet za fizičku kulturu Sveučilišta u Zagrebu, , , .
Prerequisit for:
Enrollment :
Passed : Track-and-Field - Throws and Jumps
Passed : Track-and-Field - Walking and Running
7. semester
Mandatory course - Regular smjer - Kinesiology in Education and Track and Field
Consultations schedule: