University of Zagreb

Faculty of Kinesiology

About employee

prof. dr. sc. Vesna Babić

Title: Full professor tenured

Function: full tenured professor


Tuesdays from 9 30 - 11 00 am

Public phone number:
Internal phone number:
Department :
Department of Kinesiology of Sport
Graduation year:
1988 graduation year:
PhD graduation year:
Employed in this institution since:



Vesna Babić (Parlov) was born on November 19, 1964; Croat, married, mother of two children.

Education: Primary and secondary school finished in Zagreb. Graduation thesis defended in 1988 at the University of Zagreb, Faculty of Physical Education. Master’s of science thesis: ‘Possibilities of detecting girls talented for sprint’, defended on April 10, 2001, at the University of Zagreb, Faculty of kinesiology. Doctoral dissertation: ‘Influence of Motor Skills and Morphological Characteristics on Sprint Running’, defended on December 8, 2005, at the University of Zagreb, Faculty of kinesiology. An athletic coach since 1988. An international skiing teacher (ISIA) since 2002.

Teaching activities, description of advancement in the profession: Upon graduating at Faculty for physical education at University of Zagreb she continued with her top athlete's career from 1988. until 1989 after which she worked as physical education teacher from 1988 to1990 at the secondary school XV. Gimnazija; from 1991 to 1994 at primary schools “A.B. Šimić” and “A. Mihanović”. She worked as a mentor in athletic sport schools at the Zagreb Sports Association from 1994 to 1996 and as an external associate in the course Athletics at the University of Zagreb, Faculty for Physical Education. As of the year 1996 she has worked at the University of Zagreb, Faculty of Kinesiology, as an expert associate, and as of November 1st, 2001 as an assistant. Her last appointment to the research rank of research fellow for the area of social sciences, field of teaching sciences was on March 15, 2006, and to the research-and-teaching rank of assistant professor on June 8, 2006; she was appointed to the research rank of research associate on February 17, 2009, and to the research-and-teaching rank of associate professor on May 5, 2010; she was appointed to the research rank of research counselor on May 23, 2012, and to the research-and-teaching rank of full professor in the course Athletics on July 11, 2013; she was appointed to the research-and-teaching rank of full tenured professor on September 28, 2018, in the course Athletics at the Faculty of Kinesiology, University of Zagreb. She also cooperates in the course Skiing and in different elective courses. At the School of Medicine, University of Zagreb she participates in the teaching process in the elective course at the study of medicine in English, “Measurement and Analysis of Human Locomotion”. She was among the first participants from the University of Zagreb who attended and completed a workshop for mentors in the doctoral education system titled Professionalization of PhD Supervision. She was the first teacher at the Faculty of Kinesiology, and among the first at the University of Zagreb, who implemented the e-learning system in addition to the traditional forms in the teaching process for the course Athletics.

Professional duties: At the Faculty of kinesiology, University of Zagreb: she is a head of Track and field department since 2006; she was deputy head of Department of kinesiology of sport (2007-2009); she was Vice dean for education and students (2009-2013). At the University of Zagreb: since 2009 she is member of Committee for e-learning and she was a president of committee between 2012 and 2014; she was a member Committee for education between 2009 and 2013. She is a member of editorial boards of certain international journals: International Journal of Fitness, Health, Physical education & Iron Games, Sport Loggia; Selcuk University Journal of Physical Education and Sport Science; International Journal of Health, Physical Education and Computer Science In Sports; International Journal of Sport Studies and Sport - Science and Practice; Montenegrin Journal of Sports Science and Medicine; and she is an active reviewer in the following national and international scientific journals: Napredak; Kinesiology; Collegium Antropolgicum; International SportMed Journall; Selcuk University Journal of Physical Education and Sport Science; International Journal of Sport Studies; Kinesiologia Slovenica; Montenegrin Journal of Sports Science and Medicine; Science, Movement and Health, Polish Journal of Sport and Tourism; Acta Paediatrica etc..

Professional activities: As a top athlete she set the Croatian record in the women’s 400-meter hurdles discipline in 1988. She was a member of junior and senior national team from 1979 until 1989. As a member of national team she participtaed in events 400 m, 600 m, 800 m, cross country and all relay events.. In the period between 1984 and 1987 she participated in the 1987 University Games project as a member of the Preparational and Organizational Committees. She took part in the organization of all athletic events both of club and international importance to our country: Athletics World Cup, Split 2010; World military games, Zagreb 1999; World University Games, Zagreb 1987; Athletics European Cup, Zagreb 1981 and many others. She was a member of the Executive Committee at the Croatian Athletic Federation between 2012 and 2016. She was a member of the Executive Committee at the Zagreb Athletic Association (in the periods between 1996 and 2004, and between 2008 and 2016) She was appointed as the vice president of the Zagreb Athletic Association (2014.-2017). Starting with the year 1984 up until today, she is a member of the Board of Athletic Officials. She is also a member of the European Athletics Race Walking Judges Panel 2014-2018. She is an international athletic official and the Commissioner of Athletic Competitions at the Croatian Athletic Federation. She is a president of Croatian judge athletics association since 2019. In the period between 1994 and 1998 she was a member of the editorial board of the review Athletics. Between 1984 and 1988, and since 2004 up until 2016. she is a member of the Management Committee at the Athletic Club Dinamo-Zrinjevac, and since 2008 up until 2016. she is the vice president of the mentioned club. As of the year 2002 she is the president of the ABC-info Association at the Zagreb Computer Association, and as of 2005 until today she is also the vice president of the Zagreb Computer Association. In 2002 she became a member of the Croatian Board of Snow Sport Instructors and Trainers. Since 2014. she is a president of Zagreb Kinesiology Association and since 2016 vice president of the Croatian Kinesiology Association. She is also a member of the Croatian Athletic Coaches Association, the European Athletic Coaches Association, and the European College of Sport Sciences.

Scientific activities: She participated in domestic and international scientific and professional conferences and research. She published, both as a single author and as a co-author, 35 professional and 65 scientific papers. She participated in five national scientific projects. She is an associate in the international scientific project “Biological and Biomechanical Characteristics of Sprint Running” which is carried out in collaboration with the Laboratory of Kinanthropometry at the Department of Biomedical and Specialty Surgical Sciences (University of Ferrara, Italy) and the Institute for Anthropological Research in Zagreb, Croatia. She participated at 40 international and 10 national scientific conferences as well as 19 international and 22 national professional conferences.

Awards and acknowledgements: In the period between 1979 and 1989 she has several times been voted as the best athlete in the club and in the city of Zagreb. In the academic year 1984/85 she had been declared as the best student at the Faculty of Physical Education, University of Zagreb; in 1986 she was awarded the Rector’s Award for the best scientific paper; in 1993 an award from the Zagreb Athletic Association; in 1994 an award from the Zagreb Association of Student’s Sports Activities; in 2002 and 2013 awards from the Croatian Kinesiology Association; in 1997, 1999, 2002, 2007, 2010, 2012, 2016, 2017. and 2022. she received awards and acknowledgements for her nonprofessional/amateur activities in the Board of Athletic Officials of the city of Zagreb; in 2015 she received the University of Zagreb award for the best e-learning university course; 2017 European Athletics Member Federation Award; 2017 recognition of University computing centre, E-learning Centre, for enthusiastic teachers, pioneers in introducing e-learning at the Faculty of Kinesiology and giving examples to other teachers to improve teaching; 2019 IFPEFSSA AWARD - 2019 for contribution in the field of Physical Education and Sport Science at International level. 2022. European master athletics award.

Published papers recorded in the Croatian Scientific Bibliography Database

Note: this list of papers is located in an maintained by the Ruđer Bošković Institute which is in charge of the Croatian Scientific Bibliography Database (CROSBI). This link will take you to the appropriate CROSBI page of this person, containing a list of papers they have themselves entered in the database.

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Professional memberships

Vesna Babić is a member of AC Dinamo since 1979. Between 1984 and 1988, and since 2004 -2016 she was a member of the Management Committee at the Athletic Club Dinamo-Zrinjevac, and since 2008 she was the vice president of the mentioned club. Since 1984 until nowadays, she has been a member of the Executive Commitee of Croatian Athletic Federation and of different Federation's commitees, Board of Athletic Officials and Coaching Organization. As a mentor in athletic sport schools at the Zagreb Sports Association from 1994 to 1996 she greatly contributed to athletics development through school and club's sport of younger age categories. She is a member of the Executive Committee at the Zagreb Athletic Association (in the periods between 1996 and 2004, and between 2008 and 2017 when she is appointed as the vice president of the Zagreb Athletic Association). She was also a president of Coaching Organization (2004-2008) and president of school athletics' commitee (1996-2004). In 2002 she became a member of the Croatian Board of Snow Sport Instructors and Coaches. She is a member of the Croatian Athletic Coaches Association, the European Athletic Coaches Association (EACA), and the European College of Sport Sciences (ECSS).

She was also (2016-2021) a vice president of the Croatian Kinesiology Association, president Zagreb Kinesiology Association (2014-2021), since 2005 vice president in Zagreb Computer Association, and from 2002 president ABC info Association. From 2019 she is a president of Croation judge athletics association.

Past employments

  • Top athlete from 1988 until 1989
  • Physical education teacher; from 1989 to1991 at the secondary school XV. Gimnazija; from 1991 to 1994 at primary schools “A.B. Šimić” and “A. Mihanović”
  • Mentor in athletic sport schools at the Zagreb Sports Association from 1994 to 1996.
  • Advancement in the profession:
  • External associate in the course Athletics at the University of Zagreb, Faculty for Physical Education, in 1994
  • As of the year 1996, an Expert Associate at the University of Zagreb, Faculty of Kinesiology
  • November 1, 2001- Assistant  in the course Athletics at the University of Zagreb, Faculty of Kinesiology
  • June 8, 2006 -  Assistant Professor  in the course Athletics at the University of Zagreb, Faculty of Kinesiology
  • May 5, 2010 - Associate professor in the course Athletics at the University of Zagreb, Faculty of Kinesiology
  • July 11, 2013 - Full professor in the course Athletics at the University of Zagreb, Faculty of Kinesiology
  • September 28, 2018 - Full tenured professor in the course Athletics at the University of Zagreb, Faculty of Kinesiology

Hobbies and interests


  • Skiing
  • Hiking
  • Walking and running
  • Swimming