University of Zagreb

Faculty of Kinesiology

Kinesiological Analysis of Tennis
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Kinesiological Analysis of Tennis
Code: 123743
ECTS: 7.0
Lecturers in charge: prof. dr. sc. Petar Barbaros
Lecturers: prof. dr. sc. Petar Barbaros - Exercises of applied kinesiology
Take exam: Studomat

1. komponenta

Lecture typeTotal
Lectures 30
Exercises of applied kinesiology 30
* Load is given in academic hour (1 academic hour = 45 minutes)
2.1.Course objectives
- Introducing students with the constitution of (national and international) tennis organizations, tennis associations, their roles, rules and functioning principles.
- Acquiring high level theoretical knowledge and practical skills as well as other important competencies for conducting kinesiological analysis of techniques, tactics and strategies in tennis.
2.2.Course enrolment requirements and entry competences required for the course
Completed Racquet sports course.
2.3.Learning outcomes at the level of the programme to which the course contributes
Acquiring high level specific theoretical knowledge from the kinesiological analysis in tennis with the purpose of its application in professional practice.
2.4.Learning outcomes expected at the level of the course (4 to 10 learning outcomes)
Students will acquire:
- basic knowledge about the history and rules of tennis, and the constitution of international tennis federations,
- basic knowledge about the constitution of national unions and associations,
- specific knowledge about the influence of endogenous and exogenous factors in tennis,
- advanced knowledge in kinesiological analysis of tennis techniques, strategies and tactics.
All aforementioned qualifies them for:
- autonomous communication with the international tennis institutions,
- managing, organizing and working in national club associations, regional unions and national association,
- timely recognizing and elimination of bad endogenous and exogenous factor influences and to establishing the optimal balance between mentioned factors,
- performing professional theoretical and practical kinesiological analysis of tennis techniques, strategies and tactics.
2.5.Course content broken down in detail by weekly class schedule (syllabus)
Lectures (each topic is covered with 2 classes)
1.The history of tennis: appearance and development of tennis in Croatia and in the world. History of tennis technique and individual playing styles evolution. Types and selection of tennis equipment (racquet and tennis strings) in accordance with the age and foreknowledge: Tennis as a top-level and physical recreation sport.
2.The rules of tennis and the constitution of tennis sport in Croatia (Croatian Tennis Federation - CTF) and in the world (ITF). Constitution of competing associations (ATP and WTA).
3.Organization and implementation of tennis tournaments
4.The influence of rules changing on technical-tactical characteristics development in tennis
5.Exogenous factors of kinesiological analysis: basics of kinematic parameters of tennis ball in accordance with the court surface type and altitude. The influence of tennis racquet and string hardness on the kinematic parameters of tennis ball.
6.Exogenous factors of kinesiological analysis: types and characteristics of outdoor and indoor court surfaces (clay, concrete, grass, hard, carpet)
7.Endogenous factors of kinesiological analysis: basic dimensions (health status, morphological dimensions, motor dimensions, functional dimensions, technical and tactical skills, moving structures)
8.Endogenous factors of kinesiological analysis: realization and mobilization dimensions(cognitive abilities, personality traits, special psychological dimensions, social and microsocial status)
9.Endogenous factors of kinesiological analysis: competing experience (match and tournament preparation, ability to use your potentials)
10.Kinesiological analysis of tennis techniques: definition of technique. Systematization and kinematic analysis of basic (forehand, backhand, serve, smash, forehand volley, backhand volley) tennis techniques
11.Kinesiological analysis of tennis techniques: systematization and kinematic analysis of special tennis techniques (return, lob, half-volley, drop shot, drop shot volley)
12.Kinematic parameters of players movements
13.Kinesiological analysis of tennis strategy and tactics in regards to court surface and type of players: definition of strategy and tactics. The structure of tennis game.
14.Analysis of frequency of situational offence parameters (after serve, from the basic line and form the court area)
15.Analysis of frequency of situational defence parameters (after return, in tempo game, after offense player charged the net) in singles and doubles. The diversities in the female and male category game strategies and tactics in relation to the court surfaces and in relation to the type of players.
1.Kinesiological analysis and improving motor dimensions exercises in tennis (2E)
2.Kinesiological analysis and enhancing functional dimensions exercises in tennis (2E)
3.Kinesiological analysis and improving kinematical parameters of players movements (2E)
4.Kinesiological analysis and improving serve in advanced competitors (2E)
5.Kinesiological analysis and improving forehand in advanced competitors (2E)
6.Kinesiological analysis and improving backhand in advanced competitors (2E)
7.Kinesiological analysis and improving forehand and backhand volley in advanced competitors (2E)
8.Kinesiological analysis and improving smash and backhand smash in advanced competitors (2E)
9.Kinesiological analysis and improving return in advanced competitors (2E)
10.Kinesiological analysis and improving lob, half-volley and drop shot in advanced competitors (2E)
11.Kinesiological analysis and exercises for improving cognitive abilities of tennis players (2E)
12.Kinesiological analysis and exercises for improving personality traits of tennis players (2E)
13.Kinesiological exercises in the function of optimal match and tournament preparation (2E)
14.Kinesiological exercises for improvement in understanding the game strategies and tactics (4E)
Learning outcomes:
  1. , 1.DTB (1992). TENIS - od početnika do majstora. Zagreb: Mladinska knjiga. (Redigirao: B. Neljak)., , , .
  2. , 2.Bordy, H., Cross, R., Lindsey, C. (2002). The Physics and Technology of Tennis, Solana Beach: Racquet Tech Publishing., , , .
  3. , 3.Filipčić, A., Filipčić, T. (2003). Tenis: učenje. Dopolnjena izd. Ljubljana: Fakulteta za šport, Inštitut za šport., , , .
  4. , 1.Cross, R., Lindsey, C. (2005). Technical Tennis, Vista: Racquet Tech Publishing., , , .
  5. , 2.Brody, H. (1987). Tennis Science for Tennis Players, Philadelphia: University of Pensylvania Press., , , .
Prerequisit for:
Enrollment :
Passed : Racquet Sports
7. semester
Mandatory course - Regular smjer - Kinesiology in Education and Tennis
Consultations schedule: