University of Zagreb

Faculty of Kinesiology

Racquet Sports
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Racquet Sports
Code: 123699
ECTS: 4.5
Lecturers in charge: prof. dr. sc. Petar Barbaros
Lecturers: prof. dr. sc. Petar Barbaros - Seminar
Zlatan Bilić , nasl. pred. - Seminar
izv. prof. dr. sc. Lidija Petrinović - Seminar

izv. prof. dr. sc. Lidija Petrinović - Lectures

prof. dr. sc. Petar Barbaros - Exercises of applied kinesiology
Zlatan Bilić , nasl. pred. - Exercises of applied kinesiology
Marija Karapandža , prof. - Exercises of applied kinesiology
Tomislav Paripović , mag.cin. - Exercises of applied kinesiology
izv. prof. dr. sc. Lidija Petrinović - Exercises of applied kinesiology
Filip Sinković , mag.cin. - Exercises of applied kinesiology
Sara Šanjug , univ. mag. cin. - Exercises of applied kinesiology
Andrea Žvorc , struč. spec. cin. - Exercises of applied kinesiology
Take exam: Studomat

1. komponenta

Lecture typeTotal
Lectures 12
Exercises of applied kinesiology 24
Seminar 24
* Load is given in academic hour (1 academic hour = 45 minutes)
2.1.Course objectives
Acquiring basic theoretical knowledge and practical skills in racquet sports - tennis, badminton, table tennis.
2.2.Course enrolment requirements and entry competences required for the course
No enrolment requirements.
2.3.Learning outcomes at the level of the programme to which the course contributes
Acquiring basic information on history and evolution of tennis, badminton, table tennis and squash. Types of racquets and surfaces. Principles for equipment selection. Rules of the game and basic terminology in racquet sports. The influence of applying certain racquet sports on the changes in psychosomatic status. Biomechanical analysis of basic techniques and practical instructions of basic techniques. Introduction with the performance variation of certain tennis, badminton and table tennis techniques. Acquiring skills to choose optimal teaching methods for instructing basic tennis, badminton and table tennis techniques. Introduction with the basic strategies and tactics in racquet sports.
2.4.Learning outcomes expected at the level of the course (4 to 10 learning outcomes)
The students acquire:
- basic theoretical information about racquet sports
- general and specific motor skills of racquet sports
- skills to choose adequate teaching methods for instructing beginners
- basic strategic and tactical knowledge in racquet sports
The abovementioned acquisitions qualify them for:
- planning, programming and realisation of tennis instructions
- planning, programming and realisation of badminton instructions
- planning, programming and realisation of table tennis instructions
- instructing beginners about basic strategies and tactics in racquet sports
2.5.Course content broken down in detail by weekly class schedule (syllabus)
Theoretical lectures
Introductory lecture about racquet sports (1L)
Theoretical lectures TENNIS
1.History, rules and competition systems in tennis (1L)
2.Kinesiological analysis of forehand, backhand and serve (1L)
3.Kinesiological analysis of volley and smash (1L)
4.Anthropological analysis of tennis and technical-tactical implementation of shots in the game (1L)
Theoretical lectures BADMINTON
1.History, rules and competition systems in badminton (1L)
2.Kinesiological analysis of overhead shots (lob, drop, smash) (1L)
3.Kinesiological analysis of shots performed with below the waist racquet swing and service analysis (forehand, backhand, long and short) (1L)
4.Technical and tactical implementation of shots in the game (1L)
Theoretical lectures TABLE TENNIS
1.History, rules and competition systems, kinesiological analysis of serve (1L)
2.Kinesiological analysis of forehand and backhand (1L)
3.Anthropological analysis of table tennis (1L)
4.Technical and tactical implementation of shots in the game (1L)
Theoretical-practical lectures and exercises TENNIS
1.Teaching methods and performance of forehand (1.5TPL)
2.Teaching methods and performance of backhand (1.5TPL)
3.Teaching methods and performance of serve (2TPL)
4.Teaching methods and performance of forehand volley (1TPL)
5.Teaching methods and performance of backhand volley (1TPL)
6.Teaching methods and performance of smash (1TPL)
7.Teaching technique exercises, their sequence and progressiveness in instruction of forehand (1,5E)
8.Teaching technique exercises, their sequence and progressiveness in instruction of backhand (1,5E)
9.Teaching technique exercises, their sequence and progressiveness in instruction of serve (2E)
10.Teaching technique exercises, their sequence and progressiveness in instruction of forehand volley and backend volley (2E)
11.Teaching technique exercises, their sequence and progressiveness in instruction of smash (1E)
12.Teaching technique exercises, their sequence and progressiveness in instruction of basics of technique application in the tactics of tennis (1E)
Theoretical-practical lectures and exercises BADMINTON
1.Teaching methods and performance of forehand performed with overhead racquet swing (lob, drop, smash) (1TPL)
2.Teaching methods and performance of backhand (lob, drop) (1TPL)
3.Teaching methods and performance of serve (forehand, backhand, long and short) (1TPL)
4.Teaching methods and performance of net shots (1TPL)
5.Teaching methods and performance of movement on the field (singles, doubles, mixed doubles) (2TPL)
6.Teaching methods and performance of basic technical and tactical variants in the game (2TPL)
7.Teaching technique exercises, their sequence and progressiveness in instruction of forehand performed by overhead racquet swing (lob, drop, smash) (2E)
8.Teaching technique exercises, their sequence and progressiveness in instruction of backhand (lob, drop) (1E)
9.Teaching technique exercises, their sequence and progressiveness in instruction of serve (forehand, backhand, long and short) (1E)
10.Teaching technique exercises, their sequence and progressiveness in instruction of net shots(1.5E)
11.Teaching technique exercises, their sequence and progressiveness in instruction of movement on the field (singles, doubles, mixed doubles) (1E)
12.Teaching technique exercises, their sequence and progressiveness in instruction of basics of technique application in the tactics of badminton (1.5E)
Theoretical-practical lectures and exercises TABLE TENNIS
1.Teaching methods and performance of serve (1TPL)
2.Teaching methods and performance of forehand (1.5TPL)
3.Teaching methods and performance of backhand (1.5TPL)
4.Teaching methods and performance of different rotations (2TPL)
5.Teaching methods and performance of basic technical and tactical variants in the game (2TPL)
6.Teaching technique exercises, their sequence and progressiveness in instruction of serve (1E)
7.Teaching technique exercises, their sequence and progressiveness in instruction of forehand (1E)
8.Teaching technique exercises, their sequence and progressiveness in instruction of backhand (1E)
9.Teaching technique exercises, their sequence and progressiveness in instruction of different rotations (1E)
10.Teaching technique exercises, their sequence and progressiveness in instruction of service technique application in the tactics of table tennis (2E)
11.Teaching technique exercises, their sequence and progressiveness in instruction of forehand and backhand technique application in the tactics of table tennis (2E)
Learning outcomes:
  1. , 1.DTB (1992). TENIS - od početnika do majstora. Zagreb: Mladinska knjiga. (Redigirao: B.Neljak.), , , .
  2. , DBF. Badminton u školi (2000). Hrvatski badmintonski savez (prema izdanju njemačkog badmintonskog saveza)., , , .
  3. , 3.Kondrič, M., Hudetz, R., Furjan-Mandić, G. (2010). Osnove stolnoga tenisa. Sveučilišni udžbenik. Kineziološki fakultet Sveučilišta u Zagrebu. ISBN-10 953-317-004-6; ISBN-13 978-953-317-004-6, , , .
  4. , 4.Procedings book of the 10th Anniversary ITTF Sports Science Congress (2007). Kondrič, M., Furjan-Mandić, G. (ur.), 10th International table tennis sports science congress, Zagreb, May 18th-20th, 2007. Zagreb: University of Zagreb, Faculty of kinesiology: Croatian table tennis association: International table tennis association. ISBN 978-953-6378-69-2., , , .
  5. , Dugandžić, M., Neljak, B., Barbaros Tudor, P., Pavlović, G. (2010). Plan i program škole tenisa za učenike od 7 do 10 godina. Hrvatski teniski savez i Zbor teniskih trenera Hrvatske (program tenisa kao izvanškolske aktivnosti, verificirano od strane MZOS-a)., , , .
  6. , Petrić, D. (1995). Badminton u nastavi tjelesne i zdravstvene kulture u osnovnoj školi. u: Findak, V. (ur.) Zbornik radova 4. ljetne škole pedagoga fizičke kulture Republike Hrvatske., , , .
  7. , 3.Hudetz, R. (2000). Stolni tenis, tehnika sa Vladimirom Samsonovom. Zagreb: Huno sport., , , .
  8. , 5.Filipčić, A., Filipčić, T. (2003). Tenis: učenje. Dopolnjena izd. Ljubljana:mFakulteta za šport, Inštitut za šport. ISBN961-6405-48-9., , , .
6. semester
Mandatory course - Regular studij - Kinesiology
Consultations schedule: