2.1. Course objectives
The students will acquire basic theoretical and practical knowledge on formal models and procedures of orientation and selection based on the assumptions of multivariate associations among the variables that are the basis of orientation and selection procedures.
2.2. Course enrolment requirements and entry competences required for the course
No enrolment requirements.
2.3.Learning outcomes at the level of the programme to which the course contributes
Knowledge about the concept of orientation and selection model:
-The predictor and criterion systems: the system of basic anthropological characteristics, achievement measures, criterion variables.
-The formal models of orientation and selection: the discrimination group, classification procedures, pattern recognition, equation of performance specification, selection procedures.
-Organization of orientation and selection: the criterion system, the system for the assessment of basic anthropological characteristics, situational tests and the definition of performance/achievements measures, registration and record keeping of sport performance and achievements.
-Properties of software products and information environment for the orientation and selection procedures.
2.4.Learning outcomes expected at the level of the course (4 to 10 learning outcomes)
Specific competences:
To be able to apply knowledge about the formal models and practical procedures in orientation and selection, which are based on the assumptions of multivariate associations among the variables in the foundations of orientation and selection procedures for a particular sport branch.
General competences:
The students knowledge of formal models and procedures of orientation and selection, which are based on the assumptions of multivariate associations among the variables in the foundations of orientation and selection procedures.
2.5.Course content broken down in detail by weekly class schedule (syllabus)
Lectures (2 lecture hours are allocated to each topic)
1.Methodological foundations and rationale behind the research into orientation and selection issues in applied kinesiology.
2.Autonomy and interdisciplinarity of orientation and selection issues in kinesiology research.
3.Training, qualification and organizational forms of activities in the areas of kinesiological orientation and selection.
4.The conceptual differences between orientation (guiding) and selection (choice).
5.Formal models of orientation and selection (discrimination, classification and pattern recognition).
6.Orientation and selection formal models (specification equation and selection procedures, regression and canonical approach).
7.Criterion systems.
8.Basic anthropological characteristics assessment system.
9.Situational tests and achievement/performance measures definitions.
10.Registration and evaluation of sport achievements.
Exercises (2 exercise hours are allocated to each topic)
1.Survey of periodical publications (scientific and professional journals) from the field of kinesiology and cognate scientific disciplines, which deal with the issues of kinesiological orientation, selection and monitoring of athletes attributes.
2.The manifest and latent indicators of psychosomatic status as a foundation to the orientation and selection procedures; measurement and assessment issues.
3.The feature of sample representativeness in relation to the orientation and selection procedures.
4.Choice of the formal orientation and selection model and of adequate software.
5.Choice of the term paper topic (subject/issue): either orientation or selection for an appropriate, suitable sport branch.
- , 1.Cook, M. (2004). Personnel Selection. 4thedition. John Willey and Sons ltd., , , .
- , 2.Talović, M., Fiorentini, F., Sporiš, G., Jelešković, E., Ujević, B., Jovanović, M. (2011). Notacijska analiza u nogometu. Sarajevo: Fakultet sporta i tjelesnog odgoja, Sveučilišta u Sarajevu., , , .
- , 3.Malina R. M. (2005) Talent Identification and Selection in Sport., , , .
- , 6.Jovanović, M., Sporiš, G., Omrčen, D., Fiorentini, F. (2011). Effects Of Saq Training Method On Power Performance In Elite Soccer Players. The Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research. 25 (2011) , 5; 1285-1292., , , .
- , 7.Sporiš, G., Jukić, I., Ostojić, S. M., Milanović, D. (2009). Fitness Profiling in Soccer: Physical and Physiologic Characteristics of Elite Players. The Journal of Strength & Conditioning Research. 23 (2009) , 7; 1947-1953., , , .
- , 8.Sporiš, G., Ružić, L., Leko, G. (2008). The anaerobic endurance of elite soccer players improved following a high intensity interval training intervention in the 8-week conditioning program. Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research. 22 (2008) , 2; 559-566, , , .
- , 9.Regnier, G., Salmela, J., Russell, S. J. (1993). Talent detection and development in sport. In: Singer, R. N., Murphey, M., Tennant, L. K. (ed..) Handbook of Research on Sport Psychology. New York: Macmillan, 290-313., , , .