University of Zagreb

Faculty of Kinesiology

Training Methodology in Handball I
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Training Methodology in Handball I
Code: 123766
ECTS: 4.5
Lecturers in charge: doc. dr. sc. Igor Gruić
izv. prof. dr. sc. Katarina Ohnjec
Lecturers: doc. dr. sc. Igor Gruić - Seminar

doc. dr. sc. Igor Gruić - Exercises of applied kinesiology
Take exam: Studomat

1. komponenta

Lecture typeTotal
Lectures 15
Exercises of applied kinesiology 30
Seminar 15
* Load is given in academic hour (1 academic hour = 45 minutes)
2.1.Course objectives The aim of this subject is to familiarize students with: teaching and training methods for different age groups in handball, selection of training contents (physical conditioning drills, technical and tactical drills) and load dosage in handball training.

2.2.Course enrolment requirements and entry competences required for the course
The course is a part of integrated undergraduate and graduate study plan and programme for those students that choose elective module Handball. The course may be taken by only those students that meet the criteria defined in Faculty of Kinesiologys Statutes of elective modules availability (categorized athletes and demonstrators, mentor system) who finished mandatory course Handball with grades 4 or 5.

2.3.Learning outcomes at the level of the programme to which the course contributes
Students attain high levels of knowledge that allow them to conduct most demanding tasks in handball at all levels of the handball sport system. They attain knowledge on scientific research findings on structural and biomechanical characteristics of sport, anthropological characteristics important for successful performance and the principles of training programming and control.

2.4.Learning outcomes expected at the level of the course (4 to 10 learning outcomes)
Students will be able to: understand position of the handball in different classifications of sports disciplines, demonstrate and explain basic knowledge and skills on handball technique, teaching methodology and fundamentals of handball tactics, identify influences and contributions of some motor skills and abilities on situational efficiency in handball or parts of the handball game, and vice versa - the influence of the handball training and game on complete anthropological status.

2.5.Course content broken down in detail by weekly class schedule (syllabus)
Lectures and exercises
1.Definition and structure of training methodology in handball (2L+2E)
2.Classification and training contents selection: physical conditioning exercises/drills (2L+1E)
3.Basic, specific and situational physical conditioning drills in handball (2L+2E)
4.Load dosage in handball training (2L+2E)
5.Physical conditioning methodology in handball (2L+2E)
6.Principles of physical conditioning of junior athletes in each phase of their sports development (sensitive phases) (2L+2E)
7.Specific methodology of cardio-respiratory fitness and motor abilities development in handball: aerobic, anaerobic, mixed aerobic and anaerobic training; strength and power, speed and agility, endurance, accuracy, flexibility and coordination training. (3L+3E)

Seminars and exercises
1.Organizational work forms in handball training (2S+1E)
2.Age differences in physical conditioning methodology (2S+1E)
3.Transmuting,conversion training (2S+1E)
4.Strength and power training in handball (basic) (2S+1E)
5.Strength and power training in handball (specific and situational) (2S+1E)
6.Endurance training (aerobic, anaerobic, mixed aerobic and anaerobic) (2S+1E)
7.Speed training in handball (basic, specific and situational) (2S+1E)
8.Coordination training (2S+1E)
9.Agility training in handball - basic (2S+1E)
10.Agility training in handball - specific and situational (2S+1E)
11.Flexibility training in handball (2S+1E)
12.Accuracy (2S+1E)
13.Balance (2S+1E)
14.Relaxation ability (2S+1E)
15.Altitude training (2S+1E)
Learning outcomes:
  1. , Vuleta, D., Milanović, D. i sur. (2004). Znanstvena istraživanja u rukometu. Zagreb: Svebor, Kineziološki fakultet i Hrvatski rukometni savez., , , .
  2. , Milanović, D. (2010). Teorija i metodika treninga. Primjenjena kineziologija u sportu. 2. dopunjeno i izmjenjeno izdanje. Zagreb: Kineziološki fakultet Sveučilišta u Zagrebu., , , .
  3. , Vuleta, D., Milanović, D., Gruić, I.. (2003). Kondicijska priprema rukometaša. U: Zbornik radova međunarodno-stručnog skupa Kondicijska priprema sportaša, Zagreb (str. 491-500), , , .
  4. , Rogulj, N., Foretić, N., Čavala, M. (2010). Skupni situacijski operatori za razvoj agilnosti u rukometu. u: Zbornik radova Kondicijska priprema sportaša. Zagreb: Kineziološki fakultet Sveučilišta u Zagrebu. 348-350., , , .
  5. , Vuleta,D., Gruić, I. (2009). Funkcionalne sposobnosti vrhunskih rukometaša i rukometašica u pripremnom periodu. U : Zborniku 7.godišnje međunarodne konferencije Kondicijska priprema sportaša (198-201)., , , .
  6. , Gruić, I., Vuleta, D. (2008). Comparison of physical conditioning status of the firs and the second league male handball players. u: Milanović, D., Prot, F. (ur.) Proceedings book of the 5th International Scientific Conference on Kinesiology Kinesiology research trends and applications, Zagreb, September 10 - 14, Zagreb: Faculty of Kinesiology, University of Zagreb, 913-917., , , .
  7. , Milanović, D., Vuleta, D., Jukić, I., Šimek, S. (2007). Opća fizička priprema rukometaša različitih dobnih skupina. u: Zbornik radova XXXI. seminara rukometnih trenera Zagreb: Hrvatski rukometni savez., , , .
  8. , Vuleta, D., Milanović, D., Gruić, I., Jukić, I. (2006). Mjerenje, vrednovanje i prezentacija kondicijske pripremljenosti u rukometu. u: Zbornik radova XXX. seminara rukometnih trenera. Udruga trenera Hrvatskog rukometnog saveza, , , .
Prerequisit for:
Enrollment :
Enrolled : Kinesiological Analysis of Handball
Passed : Handball
8. semester
Mandatory course - Regular smjer - Kinesiology in Education and Handball
Consultations schedule: