2.1.Course objectives The primary goal of this course is to theoretically, theoretically and practically, and practically qualify students for teaching rhythmic gymnastics technical elements with and without apparatus. Another goal of this course is to familiarize students with methods for developing cardio-respiratory, morphological and motor characteristics of rhythmic gymnasts of different age and different competition categories.
2.2.Course enrolment requirements and entry competences required for the course Completed mandatory course Rhythmic gymnastics.
2.3.Learning outcomes at the level of the programme to which the course contributes
As kinesiologists, by attending this course, students will attain basic methodological knowledge and skills that will enable them to successfully conduct rhythmic gymnastics teaching and sports training. Students will also attain basic knowledge and skills for teaching elements of rhythmic gymnastics and means that affect cardio-respiratory, morphological and motor characteristics development of adult and different quality level rhythmic gymnasts. This course also provides students with knowledge that allows them to critically approach and asses each training mean and method of teaching, i.e. training according to age and competition categories/disciplines in rhythmic gymnastics.
2.4.Learning outcomes expected at the level of the course (4 to 10 learning outcomes)
Students will be qualified to:
- independently select adequate contents while teaching rhythmic gymnastics;
- apply adequate methods for teaching rhythmic gymnastics;
- analyze and evaluate training technique exercises, learning and training methods, and also didactical principles of teaching rhythmic gymnastics;
- design and utilize different training equipment and aids;
- define adequate training contents of adult rhythmic gymnasts of different competition categories/disciplines;
- define adequate training means of adult rhythmic gymnasts of different competition categories/disciplines;
- dose training load for adult rhythmic gymnasts of different competition categories/disciplines.
2.5.Course content broken down in detail by weekly class schedule (syllabus)
1Basic principles of training and teaching methodology for adult rhythmic gymnasts (2L)
2.Basic pedagogical and didactical principles in teaching and training adult rhythmic gymnasts (2L)
3.Organizational work forms in adult rhythmic gymnasts training (2L)
4.Facilities, apparatus and aids for conduction competitions in rhythmic gymnastics (2L)
5.Teaching methodology of rhythmic gymnastics elements in adult rhythmic gymnasts training (2L)
6.Teaching methodology of rhythmic gymnastics technique in adult rhythmic gymnasts training (2L)
7.Physical conditioning training methodology for adult rhythmic gymnasts training (3L)
1.Methods for cardio-respiratory abilities developments in adult rhythmic gymnasts training (2E)
2.Methods for flexibility improvement in adult rhythmic gymnasts training (2 E)
3.Methods for strength and power development in adult rhythmic gymnasts training (2E)
4.Methods for balance improvement in adult rhythmic gymnasts training (2E)
5.Methods for accuracy improvement in adult rhythmic gymnasts training (2E)
6.Methods for rhythm and coordination in adult rhythmic gymnasts training (2E)
7.Teaching methodology of body elements (4E)
8.Teaching methodology of ball elements (4E)
9.Teaching methodology of rope elements (4E)
10.Teaching methodology of hoop elements (2E)
11.Teaching methodology of club elements (2E)
12.Teaching methodology of ribbon elements (2E)
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- , Jastrjembskaia, N., Titov, Y. (1998). Rhythmic Gymnastics. Champaign: Human Kinetics., , , .
- , Vajngerl, B., Žilavec, S. (2000). Drugi korak v ritmični gimnastiki. Ljubljana: Fakulteta za šport, Inštitut za šport., , , .
- , Vajngerl, B., Košir, A. (2006). Tretji korak v ritmični gimnastiki. Ljubljana: Fakulteta za šport, Inštitut za šport., , , .