University of Zagreb

Faculty of Kinesiology

Kinesiological Recreation
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Kinesiological Recreation
Code: 125109
ECTS: 6.5
Lecturers in charge: izv. prof. dr. sc. Danijel Jurakić
Lecturers: izv. prof. dr. sc. Drena Trkulja-Petković - Lectures

izv. prof. dr. sc. Danijel Jurakić - Exercises of applied kinesiology
dr. sc. Tena Matolić - Exercises of applied kinesiology
izv. prof. dr. sc. Drena Trkulja-Petković - Exercises of applied kinesiology
Take exam: Studomat

1. komponenta

Lecture typeTotal
Lectures 45
Exercises of applied kinesiology 30
* Load is given in academic hour (1 academic hour = 45 minutes)
2.1.Course objectives
The objective of this course is to enable students to systematically set up basic criteria for application of various types of kinesiological recreation programmes in different social and economical areas and conditions. One of the aims is to enable students to organize and manage activities on different levels for different needs and goals. Students acquire knowledge of algorithms and all components and principles important for application and realization of different programmes in kinesiological recreation. In addition to the fundamental knowledge, students gain specific competences in creation and realization of transformational and other general and specific kinesiological recreation programmes.
2.2.Course enrolment requirements and entry competences required for the course
No enrolment requirements.
2.3.Learning outcomes at the level of the programme to which the course contributes
The organization of professional work in physical recreation in different conditions and for different needs, with the purpose and aim of education, and health promotion and protection.
Team work with experts from other areas.
2.4.Learning outcomes expected at the level of the course (4 to 10 learning outcomes)
Students will be able to:
- integrate the fundamental theoretical knowledge from kinesiology, and apply it in practice;
- apply methods of management concept of offer based on needs (tourism, leisure time);
- analyze and recognize criteria for implementation of programmes in practice;
- follow dynamics of changes in this professional sector and adapt to the requests of the market;
- work in team in the process of creation of plans and programmes;
- present different projects related to kinesiological recreation;
- apply modern technology in practice.
2.5.Course content broken down in detail by weekly class schedule (syllabus)
Lectures and exercises
1.General terminology and classification of different areas of kinesiological recreation, interdisciplinarity and positioning of kinesiological recreation with regard to kinesiology and other scientific areas. (2L)
2.Definitions and classification of recreation, physical recreation, kinesiological recreation. (2L)
3.Principles of kinesiological recreation. (2L+2E)
4.Aims and functions of kinesiological recreation. (2L+2E)
5.Programmes and contents of kinesiological recreation and their classification according to type and purpose. (2L+1E)
6.Kinesiological recreations function in improvement of work and professional abilities. (2L+1E)
7.Characteristics of professional work, fatigue, rest and recovery (models of physical exercise for employees needs). (2L+2E)
8.Systematisation of kinesiological recreation in leisure time, according to the participants structure, place, time, conditions of realization, and goals. (2L+2E)
9.Planning and programming according to different goals in kinesiological recreation. (2L+2E)
10.Changes of anthropological characteristics during the process of aging and adaptation of adequate kinesiological treatments. (2L+1E)
11.Preventive programmes in physical recreation. (2L+2E)
12.Physical recreation in tourism (the current situation in Croatia and all over the world, the role and function of physical recreation, models of implementation). (2L+1E)
13.Health & preventive programmes of physical recreation in tourism (programmed active rests). (2L+1E)
14.Modern-current selective programmes in tourism (health treatments, climatic, wellness, spa, team building, outdoors, etc.). (2L+1E)
15.Social-economic conditions influencing kinesiological recreation; management and governing structures and possibilities for development of kinesiological recreation in Croatia. (2L+1E)
16.Negative effects of modern lifestyle (morbogenic factors). (2L+1E)
17.Hypokinesis (definition, evolutional overview, analysis of the current situation, possible solutions of the problems). (2L+2E)
18.Stress (definition of the term, the most frequent stressors, stress and physical activity, prevention, stress management). (2L+1E)
19.Overweight (causes, consequences, importance, and potential role of physical activity/physical recreation in prevention, mitigation and/or elimination of associated disturbances). (2L+2E)
20.Transitive forms of activities in physical recreation (definition, structure, characteristics). (2L+1E)
21.The role and significance of physical recreation programmes in natural environments. (2L+2E)
22.Complementary programmes in physical recreation. (3L+2E)
Learning outcomes:
  1. , 1.Andrijašević, M. (2010). Kineziološka rekreacija. Zagreb: Kineziološki fakultet Sveučilišta u Zagrebu., , , .
  2. , 2.Bartoluci, M. i sur. (2004). Menadžment u sportu i turizmu. Zagreb: Kineziološki fakultet, Ekonomski fakultet., , , .
  3. , 1.Andrijašević, M. (2000). Rekreacijom do zdravlja i ljepote. Zagreb: Fakultet za fizičku kulturu., , , .
  4. , 2.Andrijašević, M., Jurakić, D (ur) (2011). Sportska rekreacija u funkciji unapređenja zdravlja. Zagreb: Kineziološki fakultet., , , .
  5. , 3.Andrijašević, M. (ur.) (2009). Upravljanje slobodnim vremenom sadržajima sporta i rekreacije. Zagreb: Kineziološki fakultet., , , .
  6. , 4.Corbin, B. C., Lindsey, R., Welk, I. G., Corbin, R. W. (2002). Concepts of fitness and wellness. New York, USA: Mc Graw Hill Companies., , , .
  7. , 5.Andrijašević, M., Bartoluci, M., Cetinski, V., Čepelak, R., Fox, J., Ivanišević, G., Jadrešić, V., Keros, P., Peršić, M., Ravkin, R. (1999). Animacija u hotelijersko-turističkoj ponudi. Opatija: Hrvatska udruga hotelijera i restoratera, Vološćansko grafičko poduzeće., , , .
5. semester
Mandatory course - Regular studij - Kinesiology
Consultations schedule: