Zvanje: docent
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integrirani prijediplomski i diplomski
2007. položila sam stručni ispit za zanimanje stručnog suradnika pedagoga
2006. pohađam poslijediplomski sveučilišni doktorski studij pedagogije
2006. diplomirala na Filozofskom fakultetu u Zagrebu:
Profesor pedagogije
Profesor opće informatologije
1999. diplomirala na Učiteljskoj Akademiji u Zagrebu:
Odgajatelj predškolske djece
1995. završila XI Gimnaziju u Zagrebu
- Odlično vladanje Microsoft Office alatima i alatima Apple iMac računala.
Položila sam ECDL- certifikat o osposobljenosti za rad s računalom,
sedam položenih modula. Pohađam napredni ECDL modul. Položeni Carnet-ovi tečajevi: Izrada animacija pomoću Flash –a, Osnove računalne sigurnosti, Obrada slika pomoću Gimp – a.
- Strani jezici: engleski - aktivno, njemački – osnove.
- 2013. “Cooperative learning.” I know I think I participate: a manual for teachers, assistance in implementing civic education, Zenzerović Šloser, Iva and co. Zagreb, CMS, 2013. Str. 67 – 71. (URL: http://cms.hr/gradjanski-odgoj-i-obrazovanje/prirucnik-za-nastavnike-znam-razmisljam-sudjelujem
- 2012. “Mediation - a strategic contribution to the democratic culture of teaching practice.” Ed. Posavec, K., Sablić, M. Second Congress of Croatian pedagogues, Education and Culture. Zagreb: Croatian Pedagogic Society, 3, 351-358. (http://www.pedagogija.hr/)
- 2012. “The upbringing aspects in mini handball”, Gruić, I., Žnidarec Čučković, A., Ohnjec, K., International Scientific and Professional Conference.
- 2011. “Educational perspective of physical education”, ECNSI-2011 5th Special Focus Symposium: Kinesiological Prevention in Education
- 2008. “Teachers' opinions on some aspects of the abuse at the school”, Ed. Bacalja, R. Perspective of lifelong learning for teachers and educators. Zadar: University in Zadar, Department for education of Teachers and Educators, 217-227.
- 2008. I participated in the international scientific - expert conference of the University in Zagreb with the article "The ability of teachers to identify, avoid and prevent violence among students."
- 2008. Review of the book that was published in the journal Child and Society, Children who work; ½, 541-543.
- 2008. Review of the book that was published in the Journal of the pedagogical research; Essays on Pedagogy, 2, 261-263.
- 2007. I participated in the First Congress of Croatian teachers in Zagreb with the article "The role of school teachers in the exercise and protection of the rights to education."