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Kineziološki fakultet

O djelatniku

izv. prof. dr. sc. Davor Šentija

Zvanje: izvanredni profesor


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Objavljeni radovi u Hrvatskoj znanstvenoj bibliografiji

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Izabrane publikacije

  1. Šentija D, Rakovac M, Babić V (2012). Anthropometric characteristics and gait transition speed in human locomotion. Hum Mov Sci 31:672-682.

  2. Mikulić P, Vučetić V, Šentija D (2011). Strong relationship between heart rate deflection point and ventilatory threshold. J Strength Cond Res 25(2):360-366.

  3. Antoncic-Svetina M, Sentija D, Cipak A, Milicic D, Meinitzer A, Tatzber F, Andrisic L, Zelzer S, Zarkovic N (2010). Ergometry induces systemic oxidative stress in healthy human subjects. Tohoku J Exp Med 221(1):43-48.

  4. Šentija D, Marković G (2009). The relationship between gait transition speed and the aerobic thresholds for walking and running. Int J Sports Med 30:795-801.

  5. Šentija D, Maršić T, Dizdar D (2009). The effects of strength training on some parameters of aerobic and anaerobic endurance. Coll Antropol 33(1):111-116.

  6. Vučetić V, Matković B, Šentija D (2008). Morphological differences of elite croatian track-and-field athletes. Coll Antropol 32(3):863-868.

  7. Šentija D, Vučetić V, Marković G (2007). Validity of the modified Conconi running test. Int J Sports Med 28(12): 1006-1011.

1. Kolić L, Šentija D, Babić V (2012). Usporedba pokazatelja aerobnog energetskog kapaciteta dobivenih različitim protokolima opterećenja u trkačica. Hrvat Športskomed Vjesn 27:17-23.

2. Rakovac M, Šentija D, Babić V (2008). Anthropometric characteristics and gait transition speed in human locomotion. In: Milanović D, Prot F, editors. Kinesiology research trends and applications. Proceedings Book of the 5th International Scientific Conference on Kinesiology. Zagreb: Faculty of Kinesiology, University of Zagreb, p. 184-187.

3. Vučetić V, Šentija D (2008). The relationship between heart rate deflection point and the ventilatory anaerobic threshold in runners with different aerobic capacity. In: Milanović D, Prot F, editors. Kinesiology research trends and applications. Proceedings Book of the 5th International Scientific Conference on Kinesiology. Zagreb: Faculty of Kinesiology, University of Zagreb, p. 213-216.

4. Šango J, Šentija D, Vučetić V. (2005). The relationship between heart rate deflection point and the ventilatory anaerobic threshold in basketball players. In: Milanović D, Prot F, editors. Proceedings of the 4th International scientific conference on kinesiology - "Science and profession - challenge for the future", Opatija, Croatia. Zagreb: Faculty of Kinesiology, University of Zagreb, p. 606-607.

5. Vučetić V, Babić V, Šentija D, Nekić B (2005). Anthropometric and morphological characteristics of runners. In: Milanović D, Prot F, editors. Proceedings of the 4th International scientific conference on kinesiology - "Science and profession - challenge for the future", Opatija, Croatia. Zagreb: Faculty of Kinesiology, University of Zagreb, p. 612-615.

6. Novak D, Šentija D, Vučetić V, Čanaki M, Barbaros-Tudor P (2005). Progression of morphological, motor and functional characteristics of an elite tennis player from age 13 to 16. In: Milanović D, Prot F, editors. Proceedings of the 4th International scientific conference on kinesiology - "Science and profession - challenge for the future", Opatija, Croatia. Zagreb: Faculty of Kinesiology, University of Zagreb, p. 592-594.

7. Stolar J, Šentija D (2002). The relationship between ventilatory anaerobic threshold and critical power. In: Milanović D, Prot F, editors. Kinesiology new perspectives. Proceedings of the 3rd International Scientific Conference, Opatija, Croatia. Zagreb: Faculty of Kinesiology, University of Zagreb, p. 312-315.

8. Vučetić V, Šentija D (2002). Ventilatory and metabolic parameters of croatian triathlets. In: Milanović D, Prot F, editors. Kinesiology new perspectives. Proceedings of the 3rd International Scientific Conference, Opatija, Croatia. Zagreb: Faculty of Kinesiology, University of Zagreb, p. 507-510.

9. Šentija D, Cifrek M, Medved V (1998). Comparison of work efficiency and muscle activity for two all-out rowing tests. Hrvat Športskomed Vjesn 13:35-39.

10. Medved V, Bobinac D, Šentija D (1994). Morphohistochemical and EMG observations of musculus biceps brachii in humans of various levels of physical activity. Periodicum Biologorum 96(1): 87-90.

11. Šentija D, Heimer S (1993). Neki metabolički i ventilacijski parametri vrhunskih hrvatskih veslača pri iscrpljujućem radu na veslačkom ergometru. Kinesiology 25(1-2): 47-51.

12. Šentija D, Bobinac D, Bego U, Šentija D (1993). Functional classification of musculus biceps brachii fibers in man. Medicina 29(3-4): 103-106.

13. Šentija D (1991). Odnos trajanja efektivne igre i pauze u vrhunskom tenisu. Kinesiology 23(1-2): 59-62.

14. Šentija D, Heimer S (1991). Faktorska analiza nekih testova za procjenu anaerobnog energetskog kapaciteta. Hrvat Športskomed Vjesn 6: 15-23.